Rosemary Oil uses
Why to use Happy Squirrel Rosemary Essential Oil
How to use Rosemary Oil for Hair
Rosemary Oil for Face and Skin

Rosemary Essential Oil for Hair Growth, Hair Fall Control (15ml)


Revitalize your hair and soothe your senses with Rosemary Essential Oil. Graded 100% pure and natural, this potent elixir is formulated to promote hair growth, control hair fall, and enhance your well-being through the wonders of aromatherapy. Unlock the secrets to healthier hair and a relaxed mind with every drop

Nourish your hair naturally with Rosemary Essential Oil. Stimulates growth, strengthens strands, and adds a healthy shine. Discover the secret to beautiful, vibrant hair today!

How to use?

Hair Care:

#1: Mix 3 – 5 drops of Happy Squirrel Rosemary Essential oil with a teaspoon of Carrier oil (like Coconut or Jojoba Oil) and gently massage it into your scalp

#2: Leave it on for at least 30 minutes or overnight, and then wash out

Always dilute Rosemary Essential Oil with Carrier Oil before using. Do not use it directly

Use for at least 3 months as per the recommended level to witness transformative results in Hair management

Skin Care:

Tip #1: Mix aloe vera gel and turmeric in a bowl. Then, add 5 drops of Happy Squirrel Rosemary Essential oil and blend well. Take a brush and start applying the pack evenly on your face and neck. Wait for 20 minutes and then wash it off with cold water. For desired results use this pack twice a week.
Tip #2: Add 3 – 5 drops of Rosemary Oil to either of Moisturizer (or) Face Serum (or) Carrier Oil. Use this mix twice a week

Natural Perfume:
Create a room spray by adding 10-20 drops of rosemary essential oil to a spray bottle filled with water. Shake well before each use and mist around your room or workspace

Stress Relief:
Fill a bowl with hot water. Add 2-3 drops of Happy Squirrel Rosemary Essential Oil. Cover your head & bowl with a towel. Take deep breaths, inhaling the steam. This method is useful for respiratory benefits

Pain Relief:
Mix a few drops of Happy Squirrel Rosemary Essential Oil with 1-2 cups of Happy Squirrel Epsom salt, then dissolve in a warm water and dip your leg/body for instant pain relief and promote relaxation

Key Features:

Hair Growth: Indulge in the experience of enhanced hair growth with our specially formulated Rosemary Essential Oil. This natural elixir is designed to stimulate hair follicles, making it an ideal choice for those seeking a natural solution to promote healthier and luscious locks.

Hair Fall Control: Combat hair fall effectively with our advanced Hair Fall Control formula. Tailored for the Indian hair type, this essential oil reduces hair breakage and strengthens roots, fostering a resilient and voluminous mane.

Skin Care: Happy Squirrel Rosemary Essential Oil isn’t just for your hair—it’s a skincare secret too. Infused with natural ingredients, this oil hydrates, nourishes, and rejuvenates the skin, leaving you with a radiant and revitalized complexion.

Stress Relief: Immerse yourself in the calming embrace of aromatherapy. Rosemary Essential Oil has the power to reduce cortisol levels, often referred to as the “stress hormone”. Elevate your mood and create a serene atmosphere with the soothing aroma of Happy Squirrel Rosemary Essential Oil.

Pain Relief: Harness the anti-inflammatory effects of Rosemary oil for pain relief. Blend it with Happy Squirrel Epsom Salt for an instant soothing experience that promotes relaxation. Unwind and alleviate tension with the combined power of natural ingredients.

Experience the multi-faceted benefits of Happy Squirrel Rosemary Essential Oil – a rejuvenating elixir for your hair, skin, and overall well-being. Embrace the pure essence of nature in every drop.

0.09 kg
8.4 × 4.7 × 3.9 cm


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SKU: REO_15ml Category: